[Urgent tip] New multi-level marketing repulsion program - revenge on multi-level marketing girls who seem to be weak against pressure, and reform the world - Yuhi Shitara
Multiple solicitation disguised as an app. Of course, I have no intention of joining, but the girl I matched with seems to be weak against pressure, so I persuade her and after that... Somehow, she managed to get the two of them alone, so he teased her about joining her and played with her soft-looking body. She doesn't like it, but when I force her to take off her clothes, she has a delicate waist and perfect, slender, big breasts. When she violently pistons, she feels it too, and this is the kind of masochist girl I like. It seems like she's easily fooled, and she has a good face and body, so I'm going to give her a lot of training from now on, also as a means of fixing the world lol.